Reminder for How Habitable is the Nearby Planet Proxima b?

Posted almost 8 years ago

This is just a friendly reminder that the How Habitable is the Nearby Planet Proxima b? (general meetings event) is scheduled for Sep 21, 2016, 07:30 PM. Please come out and join us!

How Habitable is the Nearby Planet Proxima b?



Type: General Meetings

Keywords: Exoplanets

Held on: Sep 21, 2016 (Wed) at 07:30 PM to Sep 21, 2016 (Wed) at 09:00 PM

Speaker: Ethan Kruse

Location: Physics/Astronomy Auditorium (PAA), Room A102, Seattle, Washington

Event Coordinator: Christopher Laurel


After years of searching, scientists have finally found a planet around our nearest star. In this talk UW astronomy graduate student Ethan Kruse will discuss how much we know about the planet right now, and what we might learn in the coming years.

Image credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser