Member Websites

Jane Repensek
Jane Repensek

About Me

I am a novice at stargazing and hope to improve my proficiency.  I have spent my career in financial services largely because my all-girls high school didn't have a physics class.  Making up for that in my adult years, I'm hoping to improve to ultimately studing and photographing the night sky!  I have a lot of happy learning to do!

Maxine  Nagel
Maxine Nagel

About Me

I am an Artist and a Maker.  Photography, woodworking, astronomy and music are my passions.  

David W. Ingram
David W. Ingram
Vp Education

About Me

My name is “Dave” Ingram and I am the SAS, Vice President of Education.   

I work with Aaron and the SAS Board and with our wonderful outreach volunteers to properly welcome new members at every level of experience to the “Society”.   I already know that you are curious about the stars just like I am. 

Together, we can share what attracts us all to the night sky.  The Society provides a wide, thoughtful selection of educational opportunities that can guide you to learn, to share and to enjoy our being an SAS amateur astronomer.  

I was raised in clean air and under starry skies in Indiana farm country; a true “Hoosier”.  My high school buddies and I studied science and math.  In our free time we worked farm jobs, “bucked” bales of hay, tended dairy herds and built model planes, model rockets.  We even blew a few up.  With the help of our physics teacher, we also ground mirrors and built Dobsonian telescopes from “Edmond Scientific plans.   

In Missouri, I attended a small-college and earned a degree in Literature with a minor in Education.   

In 2011, after 30+ years I retired from Boeing.  In the summers of 2012-2014 I was an astronomy Volunteer in Park (ViP) at the Glacier National Park, MT..  Together with 3 other ViPs, I shared the Sun, the Milky Way, aurora borealis, the Moon, planets and stars with over 20,000 guests under some of the darkest skies in America’s National Park system. 

I am what you would call, a dedicated “all-season, visual” stargazer, sharing my passion for astronomy and science with my grandkids and with any other children and adults who are still “kids-at-heart”.  I participate in over 30 SAS “astronomy outreach” events a year.  I strongly support the International Dark-sky Association www.darksky.orgwith my time and money often traveling the four-state area (ID-MT-OR-WA) and the USA to promote the “dark sky movement which advocates citizen involvement in protecting and restoring dark night skies for us and for all future generations.   

If you are like me, and you love exploring the celestial sphere; if you want to learn how to share the adventure and grandeur of astronomy, please reach out to me.  I’d love to get to know what drives you to infinity and beyond the stars! -- Dave  


About Me

Former professional document reviewer, former UW astronomy student.

Richard Gruver
Richard Gruver

About Me

I was born in Seattle in 1967, and I graduated from Chief Sealth High School in 1985, majoring in Spanish & Computer Programming. I currently work as a technicak support agent for Dish. I have been blessed with the honor of running our seasonal astrophotography contest. Other than astronomy, my hobbies include photography, karaoke, chess and almost anything that ends in "-ology." I was 13 years old when I first saw the Peabody Award-winning PBS series, Cosmos, and I was an instant fan. I have seen every episode of the fun-fact-filled show serveral times, having recorded it on VHS in the 90s, and buying the DVD set in 1999. I really enjoyed the new Cosmos, too. Tyson has taken up Sagan's torch quite well. I had the priviledge of seeing Sagan give a lecture at Green River Community College in Auburn, WA, back in October 1994. I was spellbound. (Yet, too nervous to ask any questions during the Q&A segment. [sad face] ) Long live Sagan's legacy!

Robertson Miller
Robertson Miller

About Me

Moved to Kirkland in 1996. I joined SAS at that time until 2006. Returning to SAS December, 2019. My wife and I own a cottage in a nearly dark sky location where I have my observatory setup. The observatory is a Meade 10" f8, Orion 80mm APO (600mm) and Orion 80ED guide scope (900mm) all riding on Losmandy G11 with Gemini II GoTo. Cameras are ZWO.

I am interested in participating in the Astrophotography SIG.

I am also on the board of directors of the Washington Alpine Club. My other activity is mountain hiking and climbing. Have climbed Mount Rainier five times. 

Graduated with BS in Computer Science in 1983 from University of California, Irvine (UCI). 

Ryan Polar
Ryan Polar

About Me

Hello, I'm thrilled to be part of the Seattle Astronomical Society, a community that shares my lifelong passion for the wonders of the cosmos.

My fascination with astronomy and astrophysics began in elementary school, where I eagerly read every book I could find on outter space, from asteroids to quasars. Those early years were marked by memorable moments spent with my dad and a 4.5" Newtonian reflector. Observing Saturn's rings and Jupiter's moons in the crisp, cold, clear northern Wisconsin nights.

I'm now based in Mill Creek, Washington, working as a senior software engineer. I enjoy keeping up to date the latest discoveries and papers in astrophysics and astronomy, always eager to expand my understanding of the universe. I'm looking forward to how I can contribute to SAS as a whole, and more directly in my local community. My current setup is an 8" Celestron Newtonian telescope on an EQ AVX mount.

Beyond the realm of astronomy, life is a blend of family time with my wife and two sons, woodworking, keeping up with Formula 1, and enjoying a good read. Some of my recent favorites include Carlo Rovelli's "Reality is Not What it Seems," Sabine Hossenfelder's "Existential Physics," and Peter F. Hamilton's Commonwealth Saga.

I look forward to connecting with fellow skywatchers here at SAS.

Ward W. Vuillemot
Ward W. Vuillemot

About Me

Ever since watching the Voyager on TV as it passed Jupiter, I've wanted to pursue the stars.  As early as 12 years old, I recall wanting to get a PhD in orbital mechanics and work at JPL.  I ended up taking a different course through aerospace engineering, technical Japanese interpretting, and software engineering while working at Boeing, Amazon, Xbox and others. 

Most of my obvserving is visual, but recently I've taken a renewed interest in astrophotography.  I live and work 100% remotely from central Washington (Chelan area), and enjoy seeing the Milky Way just 10 feet from my front-door. 

For the past ten years, I've built and operated the SAS website and backend IT (email, web hosting, etc). 

In 2014, I was recognized by Astronomical League for its Webmaster Award.

Steve Roberts
Steve Roberts
Douglas Phillips
Douglas Phillips

About Me

Retired from a 40-year career in science and software. Now I write sci-fi books and travel.

Matt Woicik
Matt Woicik
Shelly Brown
Shelly Brown

About Me

As an astrologer I have been fascinated by the planets and stars as long as I can remember. In 2017 I bought myself a DSLR camera for a trip and quickly became obsessed with long exposure night photography, particularly shots of the Milky Way and Aurora Borealis (when lucky enough to see it at this latitude). Conversations about ancient alien theories will always interest me, and I have no fear diving deep into that rabbit hole! I am interested in learning more about astronomy and astrophotography, and love to go on location for extreme photo opps!

Gustavo Valerin
Gustavo Valerin

About Me

I love science in many ways, from aeronautics to computer and micro-controller programming.

I'm just a beginner on astronomy, hoping to make this science another passion in my life.