Reminder for Goldendale Star Party
Event on 2017-09-14 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Goldendale Star Party (goldendale star party event) is scheduled for Sep 14, 2017, 06:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Please note that the SAS website has been updated to reflect the correct star party dates. Please double check to make sure you have planned for the correct weekend.
Thank you!
Stephanie Anderson
Cancellation for Third Quarter Moon Star Party
Event on 2017-08-12 over 7 years agoThis Third Quarter Moon Star Party (star party event) scheduled for Aug 12, 2017, 09:00 PM is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Reminder for Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting
Event on 2017-08-08 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting (astrophotography event) is scheduled for Aug 08, 2017, 07:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
This meeting will be a special discussion of a potential dark sky site. We'll present an update on the search for a property to purchase, including a very promising site near Bickleton, WA. Come learn about what we've found and help create a recommendation for the SAS Board!
Reminder for Green Lake Star Party
Event on 2017-07-29 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Green Lake Star Party (outreach event) is scheduled for Jul 29, 2017, 09:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Paramount Park Star Party
Event on 2017-07-29 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Paramount Park Star Party (outreach event) is scheduled for Jul 29, 2017, 09:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting
Event on 2017-07-18 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting (astrophotography event) is scheduled for Jul 18, 2017, 07:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Dr. Don Goldman will give a talk on narrowband filters and planetary nebula. Don is the Founder and President of Astrodon Filters, co-founder of the Advanced Imaging Conference, recipient of the Clyde Tombaugh Award from RTMC, has over 30 APODs and is a popular conference speaker. Narrowband imaging is possible and may be the only option from light polluted areas. The advantages and use of narrowband filters will be presented. Planetary nebula, like the popular Ring and Dumbbell Nebula, are emission line objects that are well suited for narrowband imaging and their varied shapes denote their history and orientation to our line of sight. Our Sun will produce a planetary nebula before it shrinks to a white dwarf.
Reminder for 3rd Quarter Moon Star Party
Event on 2017-07-15 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the 3rd Quarter Moon Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for Jul 15, 2017, 09:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
All members attending that wish to park inside the viewing area MUST HAVE a valid Discover Pass. You can renew or purchase a new pass at:
Reminder for 3rd Quarter Moon Star Party
Event on 2017-07-15 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the 3rd Quarter Moon Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for Jul 15, 2017, 09:00 PM. The weather report is looking good!
Remember that all vehicles must display a valid Discover Pass and be in the parking lot before 9:00pm. Please do not leave until after midnight. If you need to leave sooner or have lights on your car that cannot be turned off, park outside the gates and walk up to the observing area.
Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Green Lake Star Party
Event on 2017-07-01 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Green Lake Star Party (outreach event) is scheduled for Jul 01, 2017, 09:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting
Event on 2017-07-18 over 7 years agoThe Astrophotography Special Interest Group meeting has been changed for the month of July. It will occur on Tuesday, July 18 at 7:00pm, as opposed to the regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 11. The Event page has been updated to reflect this change.
We will have a special speaker for this event. Dr. Don Goldman of Astrodon filters will give a talk on narrowband filters and planetary nebula. Don is the Founder and President of Astrodon Filters, co-founder of the Advanced Imaging Conference, recipient of the Clyde Tombaugh Award from RTMC, has over 30 APODs and is a popular conference speaker. Narrowband imaging is possible and may be the only option from light polluted areas. The advantages and use of narrowband filters will be presented. Planetary nebula, like the popular Ring and Dumbbell Nebula, are emission line objects that are well suited for narrowband imaging and their varied shapes denote their history and orientation to our line of sight. Our Sun will produce a planetary nebula before it shrinks to a white dwarf.
Please make note of this schedule change on your calendars. Another reminder will be sent as we get closer to the event. Thank you and I hope to see many of you there!
Reminder for Solar Eclipse Outreach
Event on 2017-06-21 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Solar Eclipse Outreach (general meeting topic) is scheduled for Jun 21, 2017, 07:30 PM. Please come out and join us! We'll gather at 7:00pm to welcome new members, so feel free to come early and say, "Hello"!
Cancellation for Third Quarter Moon Star Party
Event on 2017-06-17 over 7 years agoThis Third Quarter Moon Star Party (star party event) scheduled for Jun 17, 2017, 09:00 PM is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Reminder for Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting
Event on 2017-06-13 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Astrophotography Special Interest Group Meeting (astrophotography event) is scheduled for Jun 13, 2017, 07:00 PM. Andy Ermolli will be discussing Autoguiding with PHD2. Please come out and join us!
Also, for those interested, prior to the meeting from 6-7pm in the Red Barn Classroom there will be a Night Sky Network Webinar entitled "Partnering with Latino Audiences for the Eclipse and Beyond." Per the description of the event, in anticipation of "...the 2017 TSE, astronomy clubs are doing outreach in English and Spanish to many groups in their community. This NSN webinar will cover best-practices for reaching out to your local Latino and Hispanic audiences to get the word out about the eclipse and beyond."
Reminder for Green Lake Star Party
Event on 2017-06-03 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Green Lake Star Party (outreach event) is scheduled for Jun 03, 2017, 09:00 PM. Please come out and join us! The sky has cleared greatly, so the star party will happen as planned. So far only one person has indicated plans to be there with a telescope. If anyone else is planning to attend with a telescope, it would be reassuring and helpful if you let me, the coordinator, know. There is a need for at least one or two other telescopes so that one 'scope won't be swamped. But all are welcome, with or without telescopes. A return of completely cloudy skies will automatically cancel the star party, but it seems that almost clear skies are here to stay.
Reminder for Third Quarter Moon Star Party
Event on 2017-05-20 over 7 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Third Quarter Moon Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for May 20, 2017, 08:00 PM. Please come out and join us!