Reminder for Paramount Park Star Party
Event on 2016-01-16 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Paramount Park Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for Jan 16, 2016, 06:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reservations Sold Out for 2016 Banquet - The Great American Total Eclipse of 2017
Event on 2016-01-30 about 9 years agoReservations are all sold out for the 2016 Banquet - The Great American Total Eclipse of 2017 (banquets event) is scheduled for Jan 30, 2016, 05:00 PM. See you there for a great meal and a great talk about next year's much-anticipated eclipse by Mr. Eclipse, himself, Fred Espenak!
Reminder for Green Lake Star Party
Event on 2016-01-16 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Green Lake Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for Jan 16, 2016, 06:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Rattlesnake Mountain Trailhead Star Party
Event on 2016-01-09 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Rattlesnake Mountain Trailhead Star Party (Members-only star party event) is scheduled for Jan 09, 2016, 06:00 PM. Current conditions are mostly cloudy, 44°F, and the cloud cover is expected to dissipate throughout the evening. So, we are a go! SAS Members, please come out and join us!
Reminder for Processing Technique with Mark de Regt
Event on 2016-01-05 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Processing Technique with Mark de Regt (astrophotography event) is scheduled for Jan 05, 2016, 07:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
2016 Banquet: the Only January SAS Meeting (No Wednesday Meeting in January!) for 2016 Banquet - The Great American Total Eclipse of 2017
Event on 2016-01-30 about 9 years agoRemember that the 2016 outstanding SAS Banquet will take the place of the general SAS meeting usually scheduled on the third Wednesday of each month except January. Because the Banquet is the only SAS meeting for the general membership and public during January, there will be no January general SAS meeting on the third Wednesday at the UW this year or in any year.
Matt Dahl Wins Our Winter Astrophotography Contest
about 9 years agoCongratulations, Matt Dahl, for winning our Winter Astrophotography Contest! His dazzling image of the Soul Nebula will grace our social media cover photos for the season. Thank you, voters and contestants, for participating and have a wonderful Winter!
Cancellation for Green Lake Star Party
Event on 2015-12-19 about 9 years agoThis Green Lake Star Party (star party event) scheduled for Dec 19, 2015, 06:00 PM is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Cancellation for Paramount Park Star Party
Event on 2015-12-19 about 9 years agoThis Paramount Park Star Party (star party event) scheduled for Dec 19, 2015, 06:00 PM is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Reminder for Paramount Park Star Party
Event on 2015-12-19 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Paramount Park Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for Dec 19, 2015, 06:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Green Lake Star Party
Event on 2015-12-19 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Green Lake Star Party (star party event) is scheduled for Dec 19, 2015, 06:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Reminder for Coloring the Universe
Event on 2015-12-16 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Coloring the Universe (general meetings event) is scheduled for Dec 16, 2015, 07:30 PM. This event is free and open to the public! Please come out and join us!
Cancellation for Rattlesnake Mountain Trailhead Star Party
Event on 2015-12-12 about 9 years agoThis Rattlesnake Mountain Trailhead Star Party (star party event) scheduled for Dec 12, 2015, 07:00 PM is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Announcement for 2016 Banquet - The Great American Total Eclipse of 2017
Event on 2016-01-30 about 9 years agoWe are excited to announce that Mr. Eclipse, himself, Fred Espenak will be our guest speaker at our 2016 Annual Banquet! Check out our Facebook page for the event!
Reminder for Autoguiding with Andy
Event on 2015-12-08 about 9 years agoThis is just a friendly reminder that the Autoguiding with Andy (astrophotography event) is scheduled for Dec 08, 2015, 07:00 PM. Award-winning Andy will show you how it's done! Please come out and join us!