Astrophotography with a Large Dobsonian Telescope and Color CCD Camera



Type: General Meetings

Keywords: Astrophotography

Held on: Nov 18, 2015 (Wed) at 07:30 PM to Nov 18, 2015 (Wed) at 09:00 PM

Speaker: Denis Janky

Location: Physics/Astronomy Auditorium (PAA), Room A102, Seattle, Washington


Former SAS President Denis Janky is a long-time visual observer who has been dabbling with astrophotography since early 2014.  He uses a Mallincam Universe color CCD camera with an Obsession dobsonian telescope.  The Obsession has a tracking system, but is designed for visual observing.  The Mallincam has capability for real-time observation on a computer screen and is also a full-fledged color CCD camera.  Denis plans to discuss his setup and show how he acquires images.  He will also show (but without details) the results of several processing steps using Pixinsight software.


Latitude 47.6529796, Longitude -122.3110046

There are no notes for this event.


almost 9 years ago


This is just a friendly reminder that the Astrophotography with a Large Dobsonian Telescope and Color CCD Camera (general meetings event) is scheduled for Nov 18, 2015, 07:30 PM. Please come out and join us!

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    6 attending