Monthly Meeting - Trivia and Show and Tell Night
Type: General Meetings
Keywords: General Meeting Summer Series
Held on: Jul 17, 2024 (Wed) at 07:00 PM to Jul 17, 2024 (Wed) at 09:00 PM
Speaker: Any and All Members!
Location: 1514 NW Leary Way Seattle, WA 98107
Event Coordinator: Catie Charnock
Please RSVP at the bottom of the page: "Interested Members": "I plan to attend"
Join us for one of our Summer Series events. We will go back to one of our favorites, Bickersons Brewhouse in Ballard. This will be an in-person event only.
We will start the evening with some astronomy trivia with fun prizes for the first correct answer to each question.
We’ll have pizza available, first come first serve and Bickerson’s is family-friendly so you can bring the kids or pups!
We’ll then hear from SAS members during our Show & Tell. Members who volunteer to speak will share topics related to their astronomy/astrophotography adventures!
Interested in sharing an astronomy topic? Have Questions? Reach out to Catie at
There are no notes for this event.
7 months
Monthly Meeting - Trivia and Show and Tell Night starts soon! —
Monthly Meeting - Trivia and Show and Tell Night starts shortly on Jul 17 (Wed) at 07:00 PM.
Other General Meeting Events
Previous General Meeting
General Meeting - Galaxies Unveiled, An Update!
Wed at 07:00 PMOnline   Open to PublicZoom and In-person at UW Physics Building - Planetarium. Please join us for a return visit from Dr. Adam Smercina, postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Washington. Dr. Smercina will start with a brief recap of some of his and others' work on Andromeda and Messier 33 overall using the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes. With these telescopes, we're able to resolve these galaxies into millions of constituent stars; these populations of ... more
8 months ago
General Meeting - Galaxies Unveiled, An Update! starts soon! —
General Meeting - Galaxies Unveiled, An Update! starts shortly on Jun 19 (Wed) at 07:00 PM.
15 attending
Next General Meeting
General Meeting
Wed at 07:00 PMOpen to PublicPlease join us at The Farm neighborhood in Woodinville for the August general meeting where we will serve hamburgers and hotdogs (there will be a vegitarian option). We plan to have someone give a short talk on a current topic in astronomy, and then as you have requested give you time to spend with other members. We will hold a New Members Orientation starting at 8pm across the hall from the meeting room. Afterwards if the sky is clear at 9pm we will give a short introduction to the ... more
6 months ago
General Meeting starts soon! —
General Meeting starts shortly on Aug 21 (Wed) at 07:00 PM.
26 attending