An Astronomy Odyssey: From Viewing to Imaging



Type: General Meetings

Keywords: Observing Astrophotography

Held on: Mar 16, 2016 (Wed) at 07:30 PM to Mar 16, 2016 (Wed) at 09:00 PM

Speaker: Mark de Regt

Location: Physics/Astronomy Auditorium (PAA), Room A102, Seattle, Washington

Event Coordinator: Christopher Laurel


If you subscribe to the Through the Clouds mailing list, you've certainly seen some of local astrophotographer Mark de Regt's spectacular images of Southern Hemisphere deep sky sights. At this general meeting, Mark will share how he moved from viewing from his yard to remote imaging with equipment in the South Australia desert.


Latitude 47.6529796, Longitude -122.3110046

There are no notes for this event.


over 8 years ago


This is just a friendly reminder that the An Astronomy Odyssey: From Viewing to Imaging (general meetings event) is scheduled for tonight, Mar 16, 2016, 07:30 PM. Please come out and join us!

Other General Meeting Events

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    over 8 years ago


    This is just a friendly reminder that the Taking the Temperature of the Universe (general meetings event) is scheduled for Feb 17, 2016, 07:30 PM. Please come out and join us!

    2 attending
  • Next General Meeting

  • APR

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    Open to Public

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    over 8 years ago


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    3 attending