Goldendale Star Party
SAS Only
Type: Goldendale Star Party
Keywords: Members' Star Party
Held on: May 17, 2018 (Thu) at 07:00 PM to May 21, 2018 (Mon) at 11:59 AM
Event details are only available to members in good-standing.
This star party, organized for SAS members, will offer an opportunity for very dark sky observing. Non-members must be accompanied by an SAS member and will be required to pay a fee of $10.00 and sign a Waiver of Liability.
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Other Goldendale Star Party Events
Previous Goldendale Star Party
Goldendale Star Party
Thu at 06:00 PMOpen to PublicThe second Goldendale Star Party in 2017 is scheduled to begin on Thursday, September 15, 2017 and to end on Monday, September 18, 2017. Begin to plan now for attending this great event open to SAS members and their families. More details will be available at a later date.
over 7 years ago
Reminder —
This is just a friendly reminder that the Goldendale Star Party (goldendale star party event) is scheduled for Sep 14, 2017, 06:00 PM. Please come out and join us!
Please note that the SAS website has been updated to reflect the correct star party dates. Please double check to make sure you have planned for the correct weekend.
Thank you!
Stephanie Anderson
9 attending
Next Goldendale Star Party
Goldendale Star Party
Thu at 07:00 PMSAS Members OnlyThis star party, organized for SAS members, will offer an opportunity for very dark sky observing. Non-members must be accompanied by an SAS member and will be required to pay a fee of $10.00 and sign a Waiver of Liability. Clear Sky Chart
4 attending