2021 SAS Goldendale Star Party (June)



Type: Star Party

Keywords: Star Party Goldendale Brooks Memorial State Park Maryhill State Park Columbia River Stone Henge No White Lights

Held on: Jun 03, 2021 (Thu) at 02:30 PM to Jun 07, 2021 (Mon) at 01:00 PM

Sunset Times:

  • Official at 08:47 PM
  • Civil at 09:24 PM
  • Nautical at 10:14 PM
  • Astronomical at 11:20 PM

Lunar Phase:

Location: 2465 Highway 97 Goldendale, WA 98620

Event Coordinator: Russ Coad


What to expect:

SAS is excited to welcome back an annual tradition and we hope you can join us this June and/or September. One note to clarify, although there is camping, this event is first and foremost a Star Party for SAS Members and guests to enjoy. This is an event for new astronomers and veterans to get together to share a love of the night sky and all that it contains.

Please see below for more information as we hope you can join!


Latitude 45.950235, Longitude -120.6659393

More Information


Pictured: Brooks Memorial State Park views (left), Nearby Maryhill State Park’s Stonehenge by the Columbia River (right)

We do invite guests who have a love for the hobby of astronomy, provided that they pay a $10.00 fee and sign a Waiver of Liability against any injurious event at the Star Party. Because the site has already been booked and paid for by the SAS, there is no need for additional registering or reservations. Please show up at the group campsite located at Brooks. You can choose to stay for 1-4 nights from Thursday to Sunday at your convenience.

New members and guests are strongly encouraged to bring what telescope equipment that they have to share, if they wish, with other new people. Keep in mind that many of the members will be doing imaging and as such, no white lights on the observing field, red lights only. As any Star Party, there are some protocols to keep in mind.

Other Key Info:

  • If one comes into the park after dark, they need to park outside the observing field and bring their equipment in (It will help everyone if everybody plans to arrive in the daytime)
  • No laser lights
  • Brooks Memorial is near a wooded area and also some Marshland, that may invite mosquitos and yellow jackets to share in the experience, so be prepared for that. Some years it is not a problem, and some years it is.
  • There are plenty of daytime recreational activities both at Brooks Memorial State Park & and nearby Maryhill State Park along the Columbia River
  • Saturday evening we often have an informal potluck if you’d like to join in with something to share
  • Although no formal registration is needed, Aaron would appreciate a heads up if you plan on attending so he can say hi and welcome you. He can be reached at president@seattleastro.org
  • Here is a map of Brooks Memorial State Park including our Group 1 Campsite


We hope this clarifies what the event at Brooks is about.

Hope to see you there.

Russ Coad (rcoad1@outlook.com)


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  • AUG

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    Sun at 02:30 PM
    Open to Public

    What to expect: SAS is excited to welcome back an annual tradition and we hope you can join us this June, August, and/or September. One note to clarify, although there is camping, this event is first and foremost a Star Party for SAS Members and guests to enjoy. This is an event for new astronomers and veterans to get together to share a love of the night sky and all that it contains. Please see below for more information as we hope you can join!

    3 attending