Globe at Night Virtual Star Gazing



Type: Star Party

Keywords: Public Free

Held on: Jan 13, 2023 (Fri) at 06:00 PM to Jan 22, 2023 (Sun) at 11:45 PM

Event Coordinator: David W. Ingram


Globe at Night is a world-wide, citizen-science campaign, held monthly (Jan 13-22) to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure & submit their night sky brightness observations.  

It's easy to get involved -  first of all, pick a good, safe location from which you can view the night sky over the dates of the GaN Campaign, for instance for Jan 13-22, 2023.  Visit < > for dark places near your home.

Then all you need is a computer or smart phone & follow 6 simple steps.  On your computer or smart phone  "Google" Globe at Night Webapp  to find an application that will assist you as you make observations, take data and submit your night sky brightness observations.  

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More Information

What is light pollution?  Light pollution, also known as artificial light at night (ALAN), threatens the visual observations of the night sky by casual star gazers, amateur and professional astronomers.  Light pollution is any excessive, misdirected, or obtrusive artificial (usually outdoor) light.  Too much light pollution has detrimental consequences.  It washes out starlight in the night sky.  It intereres with astronomical research.  It disrupts ecosystemns, both flora and fauna.  It has adverse effects on human health.  It is a major cause of wasted energy and contributes to activities that create soil, water and noise pollution and contributes to negative aspects of climate change.


about 2 years ago

Globe at Night Virtual Star Gazing starts soon!

Globe at Night Virtual Star Gazing starts shortly on Jan 13 (Fri) at 06:00 PM.

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