Green Lake Public Star Party
Type: Star Party
Keywords: Green Lake Star Party Outreach
Held on: Jun 07, 2014 (Sat) at 09:00 PM to Jun 07, 2014 (Sat) at 11:00 PM
Sunset Times:
- Official at 09:04 PM
- Civil at 09:44 PM
- Nautical at 10:39 PM
- Astronomical at 12:02 AM
Lunar Phase:
Location: 47.680880, -122.341411
Event Coordinator: Mary Anderson
The SAS holds public outreach events once a month at Green Lake, south of the Bathhouse Theater. Come join us and enjoy the stars!
More Information
After eight months of canceled star parties due to inclement weather, this star party was like a celebration of the return of summer and clear skies to Seattle. The variety of six telescopes featured diverse sizes and types, including a 4" refractor, a 6" Newtonian with Dob mount, a 12" SCT, and more. The large crowd of 100 - 150 participants moved excitedly from one telescope to the other, comparing the views offered by different telescopes. It was difficult to count the exact number of participants because new people were constantly arriving, moving from one telescope to another, and leaving at different times. It was a magical evening of observing which lasted about three and a half hours. Telescopes were reluctantly packed away at about 12:30 a.m.
Other Star Party Events
Previous Star Party
Snoqualmie Point Park Star Party
Sat at 08:00 PMSAS Members OnlyOpen to the SAS members only. Join us to look up and enjoy the evening sky. We stargaze at the parking lot to the SouthWest of the Park.
2 attending
Next Star Party
Snoqualmie Point Park Star Party
Sat at 09:00 PMSAS Members OnlyOpen to the SAS members only. Join us to look up and enjoy the evening sky. We stargaze at the parking lot to the SouthWest of the Park.
0 attending