Covington Community Park Star Gaze
Type: Star Party
Held on: Aug 26, 2023 (Sat) at 09:00 PM to Aug 26, 2023 (Sat) at 11:55 PM
Sunset Times:
- Official at 08:00 PM
- Civil at 08:32 PM
- Nautical at 09:12 PM
- Astronomical at 09:55 PM
Lunar Phase:
Location: 17649 SE 240th St, Covington, WA 98042
Event Coordinator: Steve Case
This public "Star Gaze" event is authorized by the city of Covington, Parks & Recreation Department and is free of charge.
Experienced astronomer volunteers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) bring their telescopes and binoculars to share with the public. Everyone is welcome including families with children.
The Moon is near its "first quarter" phase and as such the Cresent Moon follows the setting Sun by less than ninety degrees and pleasantly preceeds fairly dark skies, favorable for stargazing.
Check the SAS website < > frequently for star gazing event status. If weather conditions force cancellation of an event, that news will be posted not later that 4PM the day of the event.
Visit the SAS website for other Puget Sound star gazing events, and for outreach opportunities, meetings and membership information.
More Information
Monthly "Skymaps" for identifying celestial targets and constellations along with a vast number of stargazing tools and publications can be found on website < >
More astronomy information on identifying monthly and seasonal celestial targets, training materials and observing challenges can be found on "Astronomical League" website < >
Globe at Night educational challenge materials on "dark sky preservation identifying light pollution can be found on website <>
Paramount School Park Star gaze coordinator is Steve Case.
over 1 year
Covington Community Park Star Gaze starts soon! —
Covington Community Park Star Gaze starts shortly on Aug 26 (Sat) at 09:00 PM.
over 1 year
Reminder —
The Covington Community Park stargazing event is moving to Saturday night, Aug 26, 2023, 09:00 PM, due to weather.
Please come out and join us!
Other Star Party Events
Previous Star Party
Bonney Lake Stargazing
Sat at 08:00 PMOpen to PublicCome join us for a night of stargazing in our new darker location. We will have telescopes for people to look through or feel free to bring your own. The fun starts just after sunset. For new astronomers we are starting off the night with a program we are calling "Introduction to Stargazing". Ignore the parking lot lights in the photo, those get turned off.
over 1 year ago
Bonney Lake Stargazing starts soon! —
Bonney Lake Stargazing starts shortly on Aug 19 (Sat) at 08:00 PM.
1 attending
Next Star Party
Paramount School Park Stargaze
Fri at 08:00 PMOpen to PublicWe have 2 back to back Paramount Park star parties this month! One on Friday and one on Saturday night. This public "Star Gaze" event is authorized by the city of Shoreline, Parks & Recreation Department and is free of charge. Experienced astronomers from the Seattle Astronomical Society (SAS) volunteer their time and telescopes and binoculars to share with the public. Everyone is welcome including families with children.The Moon is near its "third quarter" phase and as such the Moon ... more
over 1 year ago
Paramount School Park Stargaze starts soon! —
Paramount School Park Stargaze starts shortly on Sep 08 (Fri) at 08:00 PM.
9 attending