
  • John Dobson - Sad News

    about 11 years ago

    John Dobson, renowned sidewalk astronomer and inventor of the Dobsonian telescope, died January 15 at age 98.  The SAS mourns his passing.  Read more here.

  • Reserve your spot now! for 2014 SAS Banquet

    Event on 2014-01-26 about 11 years ago

    The 2014 SAS Banquet on January 26th is fast approaching and it’s time to make your reservation. As always we have an outstanding speaker. This year’s Banquet Speaker is Artist, Astronomer, and Night Sky Ambassador Tyler Nordgren, who will present his talk "Stars Above, Earth Below: Astronomy in the National Parks".

    We want to see you at the Banquet!

  • Cancelled due to stormy weather for Green Lake Public Star Party

    Event on 2014-01-11 about 11 years ago

    The Green Lake Star Party, scheduled for this Saturday evening, January 14, 2014, is canceled due to the stormy, unpredictable weather. 

  • Cancelled due to Weather for Paramount Park Star Party

    Event on 2014-01-11 about 11 years ago

    Due to unfavorabe weather conditions the Paramount Park Star Party scheduled for Saturday, January 11th is canceled. 

  • Paramount Park Star Party Update for Paramount Park Star Party

    Event on 2014-01-11 about 11 years ago

    Weather permitting the Paramount Park Star Party will be held Saturday, January 11th starting at dusk. It will be helpful to let us know if you will be bringing a scope to help out. Mike will be setting up early and welcomes everyone to join him. See you there. 

  • Banquet Reservations Now Available! for 2014 SAS Banquet

    Event on 2014-01-26 about 11 years ago

    Reservations for both members and their guests ($40) and non-members ($50) are now available for the 2014 SAS Banquet.  Please reserve your space now at  Please sign into the website to receive the member rate.

  • Green Lake Public Star Party Update for Green Lake Public Star Party

    Event on 2014-01-11 about 11 years ago

    As usual any members who are willing and able to bring a telescope and help out will be welcome, and we would appreciate a reply, confirming plans to attend, from anyone who is planning to be there.  The weather forecast for Saturday is not looking great, so be sure to check the SAS Web site for any necessary cancellation notice due to weather.  If the clouds don't depart,  we will post a cancellation notice by around 4:00 p.m. on Saturday or earlier if conditions are really bad.  Let's hope for clearing!

  • Reserve Now! for 2014 SAS Banquet

    Event on 2014-01-26 about 11 years ago

    We are still working out the final details for the 2014 SAS Banquet, but  reserve your place now for our annual banquet to be held on January 26th at the Red Lion Hotel near Seattle Airport.

  • New 2014 SAS Board

    about 11 years ago

    We have both new and familar faces on the 2014 SAS board; let us congratulate and welcome them.  You can learn who is on the board at

  • CANCELED Meeting for Board Meeting

    Event on 2013-11-17 over 11 years ago

    The SAS Board has canceled the November board meeting on 17th November.

  • 11/9 Canceled for Paramount Park Star Party

    Event on 2013-11-09 over 11 years ago

    Due to unfavorable weather conditions the Paramount Park Star Party scheduned for Saturday, November 9th is canceled

  • Board Elections on Nov. 20

    over 11 years ago

    Reminder:  The November 20 general meeting is the annual SAS board election meeting.  We are still in need of candidates for board positions.  We currently have no candidates for President, VP Activities, and VP Membership.  Please contact the SAS President or any other board member for questions and/or to volunteer for one of the positions.

  • SAS Donates to Theodor Jacobsen Observatory Project

    over 11 years ago

    The SAS has donated $300 to support a project to create an historical exhibit in the old office of Theodor Jacobsen at the observatory.  

    The SAS has long supported public outreach events at the observatory, and we encourage all astonomy enthusiasts, whether SAS member or not, to consider donating.

    Please read more about the project here:  

  • Call For Volunteers for Nathan Hale High School Star Party

    Event on 2013-10-09 over 11 years ago

    This is an ORBIT event seeking the volunteer assistance of interested amatuer astronomers.  The below are the learning objectives.  Note, you will be working with the assistance of participating astronomers.

    1. Students are to become familiar with the observing equipment provided, i.e. types of telescopes & binocular.
    2. Students are to make observations of the Moon in order to compare current phase to phases observed on other nights and to detect a pattern.
    3. Students are to become proficient in use of star charts including Skymaps (October).
    4. Students are to attempt to locate asterisms & constellations including the Summer Triangle, the Big Dipper & the Little Dipper, Cassiopeia, Bootes, Hercules, Pegasus and Andromeda.
    5. Students are to be able to find these 1st & 2nd magnitude stars in the sky: Polaris, Arcturus, Deneb, Vega and Altair.
    6. If viewing condition and time of night permit, students will learn to "star hop" with binoculars and view the Andromeda Galaxy, M31, the Pleiades, M45 and the Coat Hanger and view them through a telescope.
    7. Students will observe stars of different colors, star clusters, binary/double stars and nebulae. Participating amateur astronomers should be prepared to provide assistance for one or more of the learning objectives above.

  • Leave Us a Comment

    over 11 years ago

    Did you know you can comment any of our events or activities?  It is great way to share your ideas with other SAS members.  You can see all comments at