All About Telescopes
SAS Only
Type: Workshops
Held on: Jun 18, 2016 (Sat) at 02:00 PM to Jun 18, 2016 (Sat) at 04:00 PM
Event details are only available to members in good-standing.
SAS Workshop on Buying and Using Telescopes. Please register by sending an email to with your name. Saturday afternoon, June 18th, at Theodore Jacobsen Observatory (TJO) on the UW Campus, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Free Parking is available on campus in the TJO parking lot after 12 noon. This workshop is open to all SAS members and is aimed at new and intermediate level amateur astronomers. A presentation on buying and using telescopes will be followed by a question and answer session with a panel of experienced SAS telescope users. The agenda for the question and answer session will be up to you; from elementary to advanced, we will do our best to answer.
There are no notes for this event.
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3 attending
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Understanding Telescopes
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0 attending